It's Not All Bad

It’s NOT all bad. I’m doing agent research so I can send out more queries. (If you don’t know what that means and you’re curious, comment and I’ll say more.) After previous forays into cyberspace and my own notes, I’ve decide agent research is a depressing prospect for an ambitious sheep (Monty Python. See 2:12). Usually I discover a favorite agent has just closed to queries, or a new agent who has caught my eye doesn’t represent picture books, etc.

But I’ve got to remember days like today! Yes, I crossed one or two agents off my list. But I also got to undo the “Doesn’t list PBs as an interest” on one agent’s record thanks to a RECENT agent spotlight interview on Natalie Aguirre’s excellent blog, Literary Rambles. So, in defiance of the prospects (and my healthy imposter syndrome) I’ll be sending off a query straightaway!